First, I would like to start out by thanking my mom for her help. It can be very tricky typing with paws, and mom proofs and corrects my clumsy typing. Just typing my name is a challenge and usually comes out looking like T^wi8gtgthyu when it should read Twiggy. So, thanks mom!
Next, I would like to fill you in on what we do around here. As a cat I have many responsibilities of my own to take care of, but I still seem to find time to contribute to our small, home-based business, Whiskerkisses. We make hand and paw made collars for pets! When I'm not cleaning, napping, eating, resting, playing, dozing, watching birds, or sleeping, you may find me in the home office. It may appear that I am napping on the desk, but I'm actually at work! I'm in charge of quality control. Nothing gets by me without first passing inspection (unless I really am sleeping).
In addition to quality control, I have the most important job at Whiskerkisses. I model almost all of the collars. Most people think that modeling is very easy. Well, it's not! You have to put up with a lot of "look over here! Now here. Sit up! Turn around. Look pretty!" It can be mentally and physically draining! I'm usually ready to leave after a whole five minutes, but mom usually keeps me an additional five. The pay isn't bad. On an average shoot, I can make at least six pieces of kibble! Sometimes there are extra perks too, like a new toy mouse!
My mom has the easy jobs. Anything that requires opposable thumbs falls to her. That would include sewing, beading, gluing, ironing, packaging, mailing, and driving a car (I can't reach the pedals). She does all of the manual labor jobs, and I'm upper management. I'm not saying I'm better than her. I'm just saying that I have the more difficult and stressful jobs, and therefore I'm more important.
Hopefully you have a clearer picture of what we do at Whiskerkisses. I look forward to bringing you more news and bits soon.
Thanks for taking a brief paws to read "News from the Muse."